Products/ Algaecides & Herbicides/ Aquashade


Aquashade filters wavelengths of sunlight to control unwanted aquatic weeds and algae in natural and manmade contained lakes and ponds including ornamental, recreational, fish rearing and fish farming bodies of water with little or no outflow also colors water with a pleasing aqua-blue and enhances the aesthetic qualities of a water body.


Problem solved: controls unwanted aquatic weeds and algae

Rates and combinations: 1 gallon per acre of water with 4 foot average depth.

Always refer to actual product label for specific rates, instructions, and cautions.

ATTENTION: cannot sell EPA-registered aquatic herbicides
and algaecides to residents of
New York, California, Washington, Maine, New Jersey and Conneticut.
Please call toll free 888-669-3337
if you have any questions or for suggestions for non-EPA labeled products.


For more information about this product or to purchase, please contact us at  1-888-669-3337.